Wallace & Gromit Double Bills

Wallace & Gromit Double Bills


Please note : this season finished in June 2024

Ay up Gromit! Shall we re-watch some Aardman Animation classics?

This half term holiday, we're screening arguably Bristol's best-known animated duo as double bills.

Starting from the beginning we're pairing the film that started everything A Grand Day Out withThe Wrong Trousers - starring the terrifying Feathers McGraw.

And we're pairing the sheep-rustling A Close Shave with the equally sickly sweet Piella Bakewell in A Matter of Loaf and Death.

Previous screenings in this season

A Close Shave + A Matter of Loaf and Death

classified PG Wallace & Gromit
A Close Shave + A Matter of Loaf and Death
Thu 30 May - Sun 2 June

A double bill of the latest outings of Bristol's favourite animated duo Wallace & Gromit.

A Grand Day Out + The Wrong Trousers

classified U Wallace & Gromit
A Grand Day Out + The Wrong Trousers
Please note: This was screened in May 2024

A double bill of the first outings of Bristol's favourite animated duo Wallace & Gromit.

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